Collaborative Church Communities for Sustainable Ministry (CCCSM) 

for thriving congregations

Collaborations and Partnerships 

  • District of Columbia Baptist Convention (DCBC)
  • Howard University School of Divinity
  • Lewis Center for Church Leadership
  • Patriots Technology Training Center
  • Prince George’s Baptist Association
  • Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. (PNBC)
  • Wesley Theological Seminary

DC Baptist Convention

Organized in 1877, the District of Columbia Baptist Convention (DCBC) consists of more than 150 churches in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia working to have a bold, Christ-centered, and spiritually transformational impact on the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan area. Their churches vary in size, worship styles and ministry activities, but each one is committed to building God's kingdom in our community, nation, and world. DCBC is committed to strengthening its member churches to advance God's kingdom. They strive to support their member churches by providing ministry resources and opportunities for networking, fellowship, corporate worship, and training, as well as by undergirding their programs and activities. In addition, the Convention seeks to inspire courageous, missional engagement amongst member congregations, organizations, entities, groups, and individuals committed to our values and the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) in the spirit of the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40). DCBC is affiliated with the American Baptist Churches USA and the Progressive National Baptist Convention. DCBC is also a member of the Baptist World Alliance and partners with many other Baptist bodies and faith-based organizations.